Our Solution
Ever since I started this website, my own little business hasn’t been given the attention, and Stephen’s thrives with any attention given to it. Which is great! I am glad that everyone loves and supports my kid. Hey, even I love and support my kid!
But, you have to admit this is the cutest logo ever.
And since this is the best and cutest logo ever, it is seriously time to give my shop some attentions.
Plus, all my facebook friends are completely sick of hearing my whining about it. Admit it. You are.
So I figured it out! And I ran it by my short businessman partner who sells way more product than I do… and I said, “Hey, ya, partner why don’t we…”
And he says to me, “Well, yes partner that is THE solution! “
What is this “Texas Tea” type solution, you ask?
Well, here it is:
Our problem is SPACE. As in we live in a tiny space and we don’t have a basement or a garage, we just cannot sew for my business and Stephen’s at the same time. It has been our problem from the beginning.
So— the solution is we are going to take turns from now on. Stephen’s shop and my shop will both be switching to a “product drop” selling system. What that means is we will release ( or “drop”) a line of products all at once. Then we will be quiet for a bit as we make the next line of products. Then we will “drop” them and switch shops and work on the next line of products.
We will move away from custom orders and work on product drop lines instead. I know Stephen has a ton of Christmas ornaments that need custom names on them, and he decided he will drop them in June so that he has lots of time to deal with orders for next year.
When the product drop lines sell out, then they are gone until the next drop.
No worries, at least with Stephen’s drops anyway. If they sell out he will refill them eventually as he has free time, but if you want one, it’s best to buy it when it drops because his machine won’t be set up again until I am done sewing for my “drop”.
We will make enough inventory of his for each drop to have enough for his on demand clients plus to have extra for the website/ craft show though.
For my product, it’s a little different. I buy custom fabric so the drops will be centered around an entire theme. When they are gone they will be gone.
The patterns will always be available, just not the fabric lines. So my drops will be one of a kind then gone for good.
I will always try to keep a supply of the following on hand once I do get to making them:
Dog diapers
Dog bandanas
Dog bows
People bows
People hats
People scrunchies
Since Stephen is just wrapping up a “drop” (if you missed it, he promoted it in our private fb group! I’ll link it below) , this means it is MY turn to do a drop. Oh man, its so hard to choose, I want to do SO MUCH and my time is so limited. I know fall is here so its really too late for fall, but I have the CUTEST fall stuff. So do I do Christmas? Or basics? Oy vey, so hard to choose. Well, I’ll think on it this evening cuz I broke Stephen’s sewing machine anyway and that means I have some free time to think about my own shop. (and I didn’t even break his machine on purpose). Here is the link to our selling group. Drops will always happen there first, then leftovers will go out to the pages and this website.
Link: https://www.facebook.cogroupsm//297830694579721
If you are a Stephen fan and wondering what he is going to drop next… well, he said he would like to do Christmas countdown calendars. I think that is a fabulous idea.
As for me? Well let me just walk… NO… let me just RUN to the sewing room and grab some fabric and see what makes me smile tonight.
I think this is the perfect system. We also have a little something else up our sleeve. That is for another day. We are still working that one out. But its exciting!