Learning Life
As you all have noticed, Stephen has been very, very quiet in his business. Part of that is because he was super busy traveling, but part of it is because he got burned, which caused burn out. He’s just a kid that needs to be a kid. I don’t push him on his business at all. It’s up to him if he makes stuff or doesn’t make stuff. But if he wants stuff… then he has to make stuff to buy stuff.
That is a lot of stuff!
When the pandemic hit, we jumped on board. Do you know that we made over 1200 masks? Yes. we did. And we asked that people pay that could, but, many, many were donated. We didn’t mind donating to those in need… but people would ask for them for free time and time again. One lady stole his entire supply of preschool masks from him.
The pandemic taught a lot of us a whole lot about the world around us. It taught us who is nice, and who isn’t. It taught my kid about takers, users and abusers. We have learned the hard way that if someone asks for something for free… they will ask again. And again.
We don’t mind donating to people. From now on though, we will choose who we donate to and it won’t be a single person that asked for it. Stephen donated some items at Halloween time and he felt good about that… why? because the family was humble, thankful, and didn’t ask for it.
I wish it didn’t have to be that way…but, lesson learned.
Anyway, can we move past the pandemic now? Because we are ready to.
This is what Stephen is working on raising money for right now:
#TeamSeas is what is giving Stephen his work mojo back. He loves his oceans you know. And his skies.
When he first started his business, it was named “Stephen’s Stocking Spin” because he donated full stockings to families in need. But we found that to be kind of tricky actually.
The next year we took a different approach and adopted families. He bought big ticket items even. And he enjoyed helping them… but it came with issues and greediness.
Then he donated tons of masks. and ya, lets not go there again.
So finally, here we are to today. No more donating to people, but rather to organizations he believes in. This holiday season when you purchase from Stephen, he will be donating to Team Seas. Also he will be donating some hand made items to a nursing home charity. They travel to different facilities and set up a Christmas shop, allowing the residents to shop for free. Then they gift wrap it for them. Stephen will be donating some products to this worthwhile cause.
And this worthwhile cause.
Thank you for supporting him in his causes and dreams. It’s winter now, so this is prime time for him to work on his business. Come summer, he will either be under the water, or up in the air. You never know which.