I’ve already gone into the reasons Coco and Theodore have been on hold and why we took some time to redirect Stephen’s store. I am really happy with his new product lines and I think it will do well for him!
The redirection has been inspiring. This evening we couldn’t sew on the computerized machine (stormy weather) so I was able to dig out my patterns again for my own shop.
As I cut some designs out, I came to the realization that I NEVER EVER stop thinking about Coco and Theodore. Do you know as I am driving around town Door Dashing that I look at empty places for rent and contemplate them, wondering if they would be good for my store or not?
And that I do that EVERY SINGLE DAY. I do…I just realized that I do!
Today I was really intrigued by the town of Grain Valley. It’s a smaller ‘burb’ town, but lately it’s been developing up like crazy. In fact, for my “other job” I have been working on quite a few jobs in Grain Valley. One is one of my largest Cad jobs yet .
I would explain the entire layout to you: but that would give it away and we have to keep it a secret. NO MORE of my ideas will ever get stolen again if I can help it. So, I’ll keep my designed obsession to myself in case the money stork drops a load of cash on my roof. I go over that too. Exactly how much do I need? I figure $400, 000. That’s not too much right?
I break it down this way: $150K or so to buy a house outright. Nothing too big but 3 bedrooms, a basement and a fenced in backyard. Then another $100K to buy the shop outright. Then enough to hire a few employees, including some sewists. And that about does it. $400k. Not hard at all. ( Ok so my obsession might have gone overboard there. )