Chasing Squirrels
Sometimes I feel like I am a dog chasing squirrels. Squirrels are just busy. They are running here, running there. Going up, going down. Grabbing this and storing it. Yelling down at the dog. Grabbing another nut and storing it somewhere else. Back up to grandmas back yard to raid the bird feeder. Then back to the tree.
It’s like an endless blur of activity, but all activity is useful. Squirrels aren’t lazy for sure.
If I were to plug myself into that scenario, I’d be a dog and my dreams would be the squirrels.
I dream a LOT. I mean a whole lot. I have dreams of travel, dreams of business. Dreams for my children. Dreams for my future and my families future. Sometimes I feel like this little girl just swinging over the dreams, yet never quite reaching them.
For the past few days I’ve had to slow down a bit; and that is a dangerous thing for me. It means that my mind just goes and goes like that squirrel! And it leaves me chasing it all over the place.
What gets to me is all these closing doors. I began this year so gung ho and ready to get this going. But then I made a BIG mistake.
I put all my eggs right there in that one basket.
I had plans for all my fabric and tons of ideas, but mostly it went like this:
Make all the hats/ hoods/ etc for the winter festival at our local theme park. They are a guarantee sell. Then use the left over fabric from those ( they are an odd shape and create lots of left overs) to create all the other splendid items on the list to make.
I basically had it all mapped out. I purchased fabric specifically for several hundred hats. (The festival was a two month long event.) Then as I made the hats, I could use the left overs for the doll clothes and the dog diapers and ALL the fun stuff.
And guess what happened last week? The festival was canceled. For good. As in never again.
I was so sad. All of Kansas City was sad to be honest. Not to mention my basket of eggs that got broken all over the place.
So that got me all dreamin’ again. What now?
Oh, I know, just go rent a store front. Then you would have more space to sew, and display as you finish items and you wouldn’t be having to mess with hauling craft displays. No silly. You don’t have the money for a store front. Good grief.
Somebody hold the leash so I can chase my tail!
No never mind. I am just going to sew. I don’t know what. Or what order I want to make things. Or how to market them other than this page. So I am just going to sew stuff. Whatever stuffs I want. That sounds good. Cuz plans don’t seem to work well anyway.
So, I have no idea what will come from my hands onto this website in what order. I know all the things I want to create, but I also know that limited space would make it easier to do things a bit more assembly style and less a bit of this and a bit of that that I have been doing.
I am not opposed to just letting it build up for a few months then re-thinking how I want to market it all this fall.
Ya. Let’s do that. That’s a good idea. Kind of like a squirrel. Storing up those treasures for winter. Time to be the squirrel and not the dog.